Yuzu is a Japanese small aromatic citron.
Because of its aroma we put and set afloat in a hot bath.
It's called yuzuyu which is a seasonal word of winter.
Grated rind of Yuzu be used for Japanese winter cuisine.
Yuzu is also very good for skin care.
Yuzu seed oil, skin and fruit help our old skin cells shed off easily, and prevents melanin from being produced and retained while helping our skin to produce collagen.
I have learned about yuzu-lotion from my student, and I made Yuzu lotion. I thanked about it for her.
I put yuzu-lotion my hands, my feet and even my face. Not only their aroma, my skin become smooth.
A silted yuzu and seeds soaked into Shochu, clear distiller liquor.
Shochu stops itchy skin, can be used as a moisturizer too.
I made yuzu lotion and rosemary lotion. It took 2-3 weeks to extract essence.
I put Yuzu lotion in a tincture bottle.