Tuesday, June 4, 2013

May 29, Wednesday, Shibuya-Harajyuku-Shinjyuku

I had a date with my old carny Eiko. She and her husband visited Japan from V.C, Canada.  They moved to Canada in their late 20's.

Eiko and I studied at the Kuwasawa Design School which located between Shibuya and Harajyuku.
We met in front of a statue of Hachiko at Shibuya station at 11:00.
FYI Hollywood made the movie '' HACHI", 2009.
This is quotation from the movie explanation.
" Hachiko always used to wait at Shibuya train station for its master, a professor at the University of Tokyo.
 Even after the professor died, the dog waited every day at the station for a decade, until it died in 1935.
People were so moved they built a statue of Hachiko at the station
, which remaina a popular rendezvous for Japanese today"

Lots of people meet at Hachiko, and took a photo with Hachiko.
Shibuya train station has been expanded, very busy so no dogs allow to walk by theirselves.

⬆There is a new department store, Shibuya Hikarie by the Shibuya train station.

⬇A view from the  Hikarie roof top

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